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Brisbane Sings! – Rehearsal 2

August 6, 2023

Students in St Paul’s Chorus will attend this rehearsal in preparation for Brisbane Sings! – a gala concert featuring choirs from all around Brisbane performing combined pieces at QPAC.

  • 9.00am-1.00pm rehearsal – arrive 8.50am and check in with Mrs Green

  • Craigslea State School Auditorium (NOT the High School which is next door to the west)

  • Students can wear free dress to this rehearsal
  • Students should bring their own music (there will be no spare copies available), a water bottle, and a snack for morning tea


August 6, 2023
Connect with us

Visit 34 Strathpine Road,

Bald Hills, Qld, 4036, Australia

Phone +61 7 3261 1388


An Anglican co-educational school from Pre-Prep to Year 12. The Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane Trading as St Paul’s School. CRICOS: 00515F